LED Therapy

Our LED Therapy service is designed to rejuvenate and revitalize your complexion from within. It offers a multitude of benefits:

  1. Skin Regeneration
  2. Reducing Inflammation
  3. Enhancing Blood Circulation
  4. Acne Treatment
  5. Wound Healing

Price: $125/session

Package of 3: $315

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LED Results

  • Red Light: Anti-aging properties targeting fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles.
  • Blue Light: Calms and tightens the skin, reducing inflammation and acne lesions.
  • Yellow Light: Lightens spots, whitens the skin, and enhances overall skin brightness.
  • Green Light: Balances pigment and reduces redness, promoting a more even skin tone.
  • Purple Light: Relaxing and rejuvenating, improving dull and tired-looking skin.
  • Cyan Light: Boosts cell metabolism, promoting cellular regeneration and renewal.
  • Near-Infra Light: Accelerates skin blood circulation, enhancing skin vitality and radiance.